What is uncommon harmony?
It begins with where I am at, present place, of ambivalence, paradox and contradiction, in this glorious world gifted to us.
Almost everything here is a work in progress, attempting to order my thinking using ordinary language. Long ago I wrote a paper about thought itself, the thought of a new scientific discovery, Michael Faraday’s Thought.
I have learned a lot more since, read a lot, lived a lot. I am grateful for my good fortune. Do not expect everything here to make sense, hearing some thinking and thought takes time, say it moves from the brain to the body, via the heart, or maybe goes the other way, starts in bodily perception, and I react, or respond. I am passionate about Human Rights. I use psychodynamic ideas, and free associations to other stuff like David Bohm’s wholeness and implicate order, which probably no-one can follow, fully. It (the universe?) is always moving, we live within it, with it. My hope is that something worth having will now and again appear from the chaos. Something practical would be good. Read more about why I write here or see biography. Or if you have time, I have written a memoir, also named Uncommon Harmony which is where I had come to when I wrote it.
I would very much like to hear from you, I believe good changes happen both when individuals change minds, and also when change inhabits the groups, cultures and institutions to which we all belong. (And there is also not-good change… so can we join together to collaborate, repair, heal, live with the griefs.) There is more on the “About” page.